punishment n. 1.罚,刑罚 (for; on); 惩罚。 2.〔口语〕给吃苦头。 3.【拳击】痛击;【运】使疲劳。 capital punishment 死刑。 corporal punishment 体刑。 disciplinary punishment 惩戒。 inflict [ impose ] a punishment upon a criminal 处罚犯人。
legal adj. 1.法律(上)的。 2.法定的,合法的,正当的。 3.【宗教】按照摩西律法的。 one's legal status 合法地位。 the legal profession 律师业。 a legal adviser 法律顾问。 a legal fare 法定运费。 n. 1.法定权利。 2.依法必须登报的声明。 3.〔pl.〕 储蓄银行[信托公司]可以用来投资的证券。
Terrorist crime and the relevant legal punishment 恐怖犯罪及其法律惩治
On the legislation statement of the policy of legal punishment of crime 论罪刑法定原则的立法表述
American police reduce violent crimes among young offenders through prevention and implement of legal punishment 美国警方通过预防和执法减少青少年暴力犯罪
Year full 18 one full year of life, have capacity of complete criminal responsibility, can get legal punishment 年满18周岁,具有完全刑事责任能力,会受到法律的处罚。
There are many places worthy to be perfect, such as the guilty charge, the fact of the crime, legal punishment 在本罪的罪名、罪状、法定刑方面,都有值得完善的地方。
If lawbreaking regulation, the female worker that arrangement is pregnant works overtime, relevant responsibility person should get legal punishment 假如违反法律规定,安排怀孕的女职工加班,相关责任人要受到法律的处罚。
"irregularities for favoritism " and " of a serious nature " should be deleted . in legal punishment, the legal punishment of the crime should be properly improved 删除“徇私舞弊”和“情节严重”两个要件。在法定刑方面,应把本罪的法定刑适当提高。
"irregularities for favoritism " and " of a serious nature " should be deleted . in legal punishment, the legal punishment of the crime should be properly improved 删除“徇私舞弊”和“情节严重”两个要件。在法定刑方面,应把本罪的法定刑适当提高。
And it should have perfect legal responsible system to play the function of legal punishment and deterrent power, so as to stop administrative monopoly effectively 再者,反垄断法应设定完备的法律责任体系,发挥法律的制裁和威慑作用,以更有效地遏制行政垄断。
And while we welcome china s efforts to police its own behavior through new export controls on sensitive technology, we still need to see tough legal punishments for violators 我们欢迎中国通过新实行的敏感技术出口管制措施严格规范自己的行为,与此同时我们还需要看到违规者受到严厉的法律惩处。